5 Natural Anxiety Remedies

Frustrated man with hands on face

Frustrated man with hands on face

5 Natural Anxiety Remedies That Relieve Your Stress

Are you searching for natural anxiety remedies? Are you tired of experiencing the pain and frustration that comes with the uncertainty of not knowing when your anxiety will get the best of you or worse, having another panic attack? You are not alone but it must seem that way when you are feeling stress or anxiety which seems uncontrollable at times. It is possible that you have one of the more common anxiety disorders called Generalized Anxiety Disorder or GAD for short. This anxiety disorder is mostly characterized as a constant worrying, which is uncontrollable and may not be caused by serious events. For instance, you might be worried about picking up the kids on time or trying to get everything done on your to-do list. Constant worrying can lead to a loss of concentration on tasks and have a direct effect on the your professional and personal life. Here are five natural remedies for anxiety that may temporarily help alleviate your anxiety and stress.

1) Unfortunately, prescription drugs are usually offered as a remedy for such illnesses and they can be dangerous if used over a long period of time. The demand for alternative medicine has skyrocketed because many of them offer relief from symptoms without the side-effects linked to prescription drugs but natural remedies are not meant to be long-term treatments, although they can offer relief in the short-term. It is very important that you do your homework and research to increase your knowledge of any herb or vitamins to make sure it is the right thing for you to take. It is also a good idea to consult your family physician in order to ensure that the alternative treatment is safe for you.

St. John’s Wort is one of the most popular anti-anxiety herbs on the market. After taking St. John’s Wort for as little as two weeks, you should notice a difference in your anxiety level. Valerian Root is another herb you might want to try. It is especially helpful in combating insomnia because of its sedative quality as it helps to lull the central nervous system to sleep. Vitamins can also provide an effective treatment for anxiety and B-complex can help produce neurochemicals, which in turn, assists in the synthesis of seratonin, norepinephrine and dopamine. Kava Kava is considered to be one of the strongest anti-anxiety remedies in the world. Another aid to combating anxiety is Passion Flower because it helps to calm the central nervous system, leading to feelings of peace.

2) Exercising should make you feel less anxious. Your muscles become less tense and you will be calm and relaxed after at least 30 minutes of your favorite type of exercise. It has been shown that exercise leads to an hour and a half to two hours of relaxation response and this has been referred to as the endorphin response. As a result, your mood will improve, enabling you to deal more effectively with stress. Exercise can also improve your self-image and you will experience a greater sense of self-worth, which will reduce your stress level. A confident person is an individual who knows how to handle stress without becoming flustered.

3) Insomnia is one of the most dangerous side-effects of stress. It can rob you of your energy, strength, and endurance. but there are some steps you can take to improve your sleep. You can make sure that your bedroom is conducive to sleep by finding the most comfortable bedding available, decorating your room with soft, subtle colors, and eliminating clutter or other signs of work in progress. Try not to do work in bed and avoid watching TV. You want to try to eliminate stimulants from your sleeping area which could prevent you from falling asleep. If you like to read in bed, make sure that you read something light that will not engage your mind as you are trying to fall asleep.

4) Cooking is another way for you to relax and enjoy your time by making a hobby out of it. It takes a great deal of patience and persistence to become an excellent cook and you will feel a sense of accomplishment at the end of a good meal which can further reduce your stress level. You might want to invest in some good cooking supplies and take the time to learn the fine art of preparation to help ease your stress when the time to cook arrives. You can take a cooking class to meet new friends, learn new recipes and to learn how to properly use your new equipment.

5) One of the most rewarding activities you can choose to lower your stress is to engage in volunteer work. There is something that is comforting about donating your time to help someone else. This simple act can elevate your spirits, helping you to better cope with the stressors in your life. Your time is very valuable and you will be giving a tremendous gift back to your community. You may find your reward in the smiles on the faces of the people you have assisted.

We all have feelings of anxiety from time to time. But how can you tell if your anxiety is out of control? If you experience racing thoughts, rapid heartbeat, extreme difficulty resting or concentrating, you probably need to get help. If you do not like dealing with the side-effects of prescription drugs, an herbal remedy may be in order but this is usually only a temporary solution. You can choose one or many of the activities listed above to help you find relief and these tips will help deal with things today but you owe it to yourself to find the long-term solution for your anxiety.

For more information visit Natural Remedies for Anxiety

How Buddhism Helped my Anxiety-and Why it Can Help You

How Buddhism Helped my Anxiety-and Why it Can Help You

I have not been a Buddhist for a long time, and I have not gained the awareness and peace that comes from years of discipline. Yet I still have reaped the benefits. Through Buddhism, and practicing meditation, compassion, mindfulness, and acceptance, I have greatly reduced my anxiety and greatly increased my sense of wellbeing.

If you struggle with anxiety, depression, or another mood disorder, or if you’d just like to be a little happier, Buddhism may be right for you. You don’t have to completely adopt their philosophy, but incorporating a few practices into everyday life can make a dramatic change in your outlook

Meditation is a very positive force in my life. Meditation can be done in a number of ways, and so you should look into what works best for you. For me, it is very calming to focus on my breathing and just on my breathing, acknowledging other thoughts when they come and then returning my focus to my breath. Whether I meditate for two minutes or half an hour, I return with a great feeling of calmness and positivity.

An import tenet of Buddhism is loving-kindness. Buddhist philosophy teaches that we should be concerned for others as we are concerned for our self, and that they are a part of us and we are a part of them. We should love our neighbor and forgive those who have wronged us. Cultivating a powerful sense of compassion takes time, and is often developed through the use of meditation. I like to meditate until I am in a very relaxed state, and then picture people that I love, and fully embrace the love I feel for them. Then, I picture people who I find frustrating and have hurt me, and I use my feelings of love to love them as well. Also, whenever I find myself growing frustrated with somebody, I remind myself that their goal in life is the same as mine: to be happy.

Empathizing and understanding others increases your kindness and benevolence. It helps to focus on what unites us, rather than what divides us. Feeling positive and compassionate feelings towards other not only benefits those around you, but it fills you with a great sense of peace. I also noticed that I was spending too much time worrying about what others think, and by developing loving and kind emotions towards others, I now do not care so much what they think. Loving-kindness is a great way to experience compassion that uplifts others as well as yourself.

Mindfulness has greatly reduced my anxiety, because anxiety (at least in my case), involves worrying about the future. It is hard to worry about the future if you are truly grounded in the present. Mindfulness is just what it sounds like: being mindful of what you are doing, right now, in the present. I am writing an article, and you are reading one. What is that like? What sensations and emotions are you feeling? Mindfulness takes time to achieve, but it helps to pay close attention to ordinary activities. If you are eating an apple, take notice of the color and shape of the apple. Take a bite. How does it feel in your mouth? Is it juicy? What does it taste like? When you notice these things, you become entrenched in the present, rather than concerned with the future.

Mindfulness also includes acknowledging your emotions while not judging them. When you are angry, calmly state, either out loud or in your mind, I am angry. By doing this, suddenly your anger has less power and you are more detached from it.

Lastly, Buddhism has helped me through acceptance. The Four Noble Truths of Buddhism explain that suffering stems from wanting what we can’t have. If we are sick, we want to be healthy. If we are old, we want to be young. If we can’t have an iPod, we want an iPod. Eliminating these desires takes time, but a helpful asset in doing so is accepting events as they are. If you cannot change it, accept it. As anxiety is fueled by concern over things that we cannot change, acceptance can reduce anxiety. I often use a motto in order to accept things. If I start worrying about something like a flight delay that I cannot control, I say, It is what it is. And things seem a bit better.

Through this philosophy, I am developing a great sense of peace and happiness that, with some effort, you can achieve as well.


Home Remedies Acne Anxiety and Anorexia

Home Remedies: Acne, Anxiety and Anorexia

The use of these simple remedies can help relieve some of the annoyances that plague us every day and provide a holistic alternative solution to our little health problems.


Acne is a chronic skin condition wherein blackheads and pustules appear on the skin surface of the face and other parts of the body such as the back and chest. It is a malfunction of the sebaceous glands. These glands normally produce sebum that keeps the skin soft, supple and elastic. When the exit of the sebum is blocked, the dead cells that form the blockage become black resulting in the blackheads. If the base of the blocked gland becomes infected, a reddening and inflammation of the spot may develop. Acne is very common among those in puberty because of the changes in hormonal activity during that time. If acne becomes severe and remains untreated, it could leave scars and pockmarks that can be very hard to treat.

The traditional remedies for acne use various herbs in a facial steam. One of these is a mixture of chickweed, elderflower and marigold which are used in equal parts. Thought to be curative also is agrimony which is applied externally. Another cure involves spreading sulphur ointment over the spot. There are a lot of abrasive substances to remove blackheads on sale nowadays but an old trick is applying a watch key over the unwanted blackhead and pressing.

Although a lot of people still squeeze out their blackheads, it is best not to squeeze the infected ones. In fact, this makes it worse. Diet is said to be a factor in the development of acne, although many experts feel that there is no evidence for this. Generally, aperients ere recommended.

Another cure for acne involves mixing two ounces of clover flowers, two ounces of nettle tops and two ounces of comfrey flowers with four pints of boiling water. Simmer this until the mixture is reduced to only two pints. A wineglass of the mixture is to be taken every three hours.

Inflammation of the Adenoids

The fleshy growths at the back of the nose are called adenoids. Where they become inflamed or enlarged, a very common home remedy is to mix up a solution of salt and water and sniff it up the nose. This could prove to be uncomfortable.

Alternatively, a simple solution of warm water and one teaspoonful of salt is gargled. This solution is also used for sore throats.


Everybody feels a little anxious about something sometimes. This is normal, but when the anxiety slowly builds up, this can take a very big toll on the body. There are a lot of herbs with a noted calming effect on the nerves. These herbs are chamomile, balm, cloves, catnip, lavender, hops, lime flowers and passa flora as well as orange blossom, skullcap, thyme, valerian, vervain and wood betony.

Anorexia or Lack of Appetite

The fundamental definition of anorexia is simply the loss of appetite. One of the more common traditional treatments of anorexia is mixing a drink made from a handful of the seeds of caraway and hops. This is especially recommended for the loss of appetite following a serious debilitating illness. Other remedies include angelica, barley, carrots and watercress because they are thought to stimulate the appetite. Herbs that encourage eating and are considered to be appetite stimulants are chamomile, sage, thyme, lavender, tarragon, yarrow, marjoram, hawthorn, myrrh, gentian, wormwood, hops and centaury. Horseradish is also a very good appetite stimulant.

anxiety and panic